GMA Auditors Limited

Πληροφορίες Εταιρείας

GMA Auditors Limited was incorporated in 2009 and is based in Limassol, Cyprus.  We offer a selection of services ranging from  Audit & Assurance services, to international tax planning, accounting,  TAX and VAT compliance services  as well as Human Resources Services and Mediation Services


Our firm is regulated by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC).  The ICPAC is the only authorized Body that supervises and regulates  the accountancy profession in Cyprus.  Under the ICPACs’ supervision, regulations and established code of conduct its members belong to a controlled environment that promotes professional ethics.


GMA Auditors Limited through its affiliated entity, KARIBOUNI Corporate Services Limited provides clients with a broad spectrum of corporate services.


Our Firm may also incorporate companies in other jurisdictions around the world including but not limited to the UK, British Virgin Islands, Hong Kong, UAE, and Marshall Islands based on the clients’ needs or requirements. KARIBOUNI offers clients complete, reliable and professional services in the following areas:

  • Company management and administration services
  • Corporate management
  • Company secretarial services
  • Opening and administration of bank accounts
  • Trust and custodial services
  • Human Resources Services