

Company Detail

AmaDema was founded in 2013 by two experienced mechanical engineers and a senior economist with the ultimate goal to create an innovative company in the field of advanced polymer composite materials that will help Cyprus to enter the world map of composite materials innovative products.

AmaDema launched its activity in November 2015 based on the internally developed new technology and its innovative business model. AmaDema focuses on the design and manufacturing of advanced composite materials, by identifying the problems and needs of customers in a variety of industries such as aviation, defence, sports, automotive, shipping etc. and by providing them with a variety of material services and product solutions in the field of materials. The company has access, either within its premises or through external partners, to a variety of specialized technical equipment and processes, which enables AmaDema to deliver both intermediate materials and end-products.

Since November 2015, AmaDema has secured funding of more than 700,000.00 Euros for the industrial development of  its innovative products.