YEU Cyprus

Youth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus

Company Detail

YEU Cyprus stands for Youth for Exchange and Understanding Cyprus and it is a non-political, non-governmental organization (NGO) based in Cyprus. It was established in 1995 with the aim to foster closer co-operation and better understanding among the young people of the world through the exchange of information, experiences and ideas. YEU Cyprus is one of the biggest youth organizations in Cyprus numbering more than 1000 members. It is considered to be one of the most active organizations of the island realizing several activities both on international and local level.

YEU Cyprus is a full member of the Cyprus Youth Council and is represented in the CYC Board. It is also a member of the Advisory Body of the Cyprus Youth Board, the semi -governmental organization responsible for youth issues in Cyprus. YEU Cyprus is affiliated with the YEU International platform which is under the European Youth Forum umbrella.

YEU Cyprus advocates on the rights of young people with regards to having voice in the Cypriot society and beyond; Some of the related topics are human rights, rights of minorities, racism, xenophobia, extremism etc. In addition, it organises and participates as a partner in various international and local activities and events. On international level, YEU Cyprus organizes and delivers training courses, youth exchanges and EVS projects on different topics, focusing always on youth development, awareness raising and capacity building. The organization focuses also in empowering the voice of young people through Structured Dialogue aiming at policy making under the Erasmus+ and other programmes. The methodology of the activities is based on non-formal education and experiential learning. YEU Cyprus also gives its members the opportunity to participate in international activities abroad such as in partner’s training courses, youth exchanges, European Voluntary Service (EVS), Partnership Building Activities (PBAs), seminars, SALTO events and the YEU International Youth Convention.

On local level, in attempt to bring youngsters together and make them aware of different topics, YEU Cyprus organizes Theatre of the Oppressed, Human Libraries, workshops and seminars on different topics (for example human trafficking, non-formal education, volunteering), street festivals, laughter festival, geocahing, field trips and other activities.