George Petrou Ltd

George Petrou Ltd

Πληροφορίες Εταιρείας

George Petrou Ltd was established in 1965 by George Petrou, who has been involved in the Pharmaceutical business since 1961, when he was engaged by Sterling Winthrop International, to start and develop their business in Cyprus with their then new product Panadol. The success of this product worldwide has made history.


Even though George Petrou Ltd started off as a pure Pharmaceutical Company, over the years we have developed in other fields of business such as Infant Formula, Food Supplements, Cosmetics & Skincare, Dental Care, Medical Devices, Supports and Medical Equipment.


We currently represent over 25 EU & non-EU companies and our products can be found in all 450 pharmacies situated on the island.


George Petrou Ltd currently occupies over 50 employees and is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the country.